January 14, 2025 <br><strong>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE<br /> </strong>Contact: Suzanne Budge, Idaho State Director, <a href="mailto:sbs@sbsidaho.com">sbs@sbsidaho.com</a><br /> or Tony Malandra, Senior Media Manager, <a href="mailto:anthony.malandra@nfib.org">anthony.malandra@nfib.org</a><br><strong>BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 14, 2025</strong>—Is the five-year drought of good small business news finally over? Today’s release of the <a href="https://www.nfib.com/news-article/new-nfib-survey-small-business-optimism-surges-again-reaches-six-year-high/">latest Small Business Optimism Index</a> from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) would lead everyone to believe it is, with the net percent of owners expecting the economy to improve rising 16 points from November to a net 52% (seasonally adjusted), the highest since the fourth quarter of 1983.<br>Additionally, the percent of small business owners believing it is a good time to expand their business rose six points to 20%, seasonally adjusted. This is the highest reading since February 2020.<br>“It heartens me to see the resilience of American small business come shining through once again. This good news has been a long time coming,” said Suzanne Budge, state director for NFIB in Idaho. “You can put Main Street enterprises down but never count them out. I’m also so very, very proud and grateful that Idaho’s governor and Legislature did everything in their powers these past five years to mitigate the worst the national economy could throw at small businesses.”<br>NFIB’s monthly Small Business Optimism Index is the <a href="https://strgnfibcom.blob.core.windows.net/nfibcom/NFIB-SBET-Brief-History_mh_hw.pdf">gold standard measurement</a> of America’s small business economy. Used by the Federal Reserve, Congressional leaders, administration officials, and state legislatures across the nation, it’s regarded as the bellwether on the health and welfare of the Main Street enterprises that employ half of all workers, generate more net new jobs than large corporations, and gave most of us the first start in our working life. The Optimism Index (aka Small Business Economic Trends report) is a national snapshot of NFIB-member, small-business owners not broken down by state. The <a href="https://www.nfib.com/about-nfib/what-is-nfib/who-nfib-represents/">typical NFIB member</a> employs between one and nine people and reports gross sales of about $500,000 a year.<br><strong>From NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg</strong><br>“Optimism on Main Street continues to grow with the improved economic outlook following the election. Small business owners feel more certain and hopeful about the economic agenda of the new administration. Expectations for economic growth, lower inflation, and positive business conditions have increased in anticipation of pro-business policies and legislation in the new year.”<br><strong>Highlights from Latest NFIB Small Business Optimism Index</strong><br><br><br><br><br>Keep up with the latest Idaho small-business news at www.nfib.com/idaho, where this news release can also be found, or by following NFIB on Twitter @NFIB_ID.<br><strong>###</strong><br><em>For more than 80 years, NFIB has been advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven association. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses and remains so today. For more information, please visit nfib.com.</em><br>NFIB Idaho<br /> 802 W. Bannock Ste. 301<br /> Boise, ID 83702<br /> 208-345-6632<br /> Web page : NFIB.com/ID<br /> X: @NFIB_ID<br> NFIB is a member-driven organization advocating on behalf of small and independent businesses nationwide. <br> © 2001 - 2025 National Federation of Independent Business. All Rights Reserved. <span class="inline-block"> <a href="/terms-and-conditions" class="flex items-center text-charcoalBg-textLink text-charcoalBg-textLinkHover" > <span class="text-[16px] leading-[24px] tracking-[0px] hover:underline" onclick=""> Terms and Conditions </span> </a> </span> | <span class="inline-block"> <a href="/privacy" class="flex items-center text-charcoalBg-textLink text-charcoalBg-textLinkHover" > <span class="text-[16px] leading-[24px] tracking-[0px] hover:underline" onclick=""> Privacy Policy </span> </a> </span> | <span class="inline-block"> <a href="/accessibility" class="flex items-center text-charcoalBg-textLink text-charcoalBg-textLinkHover" > <span class="text-[16px] leading-[24px] tracking-[0px] hover:underline" onclick=""> Accessibility </span> </a> </span> <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFBVV95cUxQQlNrRTQtaHpOOG45U1VKTTUyNHZFeUNYTWs0M181VE9yR01uV0UzWW9XanZ0RG5MQWtDRThYSVVhZVRSWXdNMUJNWDE3aUd3a3dnOGpVNUtkUGFIdS12cVk4RFFjN3R3WDdyUjFFbDBWeUxPazlOZzJSdFZhbEVfQTV4bVdJZWJhaEVDMGtJLU81cV9IUEE?oc=5">source</a>