In a shocking incident that occurred early Thursday morning, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his residence in the posh Bandra West locality of Mumbai. The attacker demanded a ransom of Rs one crore, according to police sources, citing a statement from a member of the actor’s domestic staff. This brazen attack has sent shockwaves through the film industry and the public alike.
The attacker, who was reportedly trying to burglarize the actor’s home, allegedly demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. The attack left Saif Ali Khan with six stab wounds, including injuries to his neck, hand, and dangerously close to his spine. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning, and the situation escalated when the attacker, still in the home, turned violent after the ransom demand was not met.
Three people, including Saif Ali Khan, sustained injuries in the incident. According to sources, the assailant was intent on robbing the apartment, which is spread over four floors in a 12-storey building in the heart of Bandra West. CCTV footage captured the assailant, who was dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and an orange scarf, moving through the building’s stairwell.
In a dramatic turn of events, Saif Ali Khan’s son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, rushed his father to Lilavati Hospital in an auto-rickshaw after facing delays with their car. Despite the severity of the attack, Saif’s medical condition is now reported as stable after undergoing emergency surgery. Doctors at the hospital confirmed that while the actor’s condition was critical initially, he is now on the mend.
“Actor is out of danger, surgery was successful. Injuries were deeper but doctors managed it. He sustained major injury to thoracic spine due to a lost knife in his spine. Surgery was done to remove the knife and repair the leaking spinal fluid. There were two other wounds on the left-hand right side of the neck repaired by the plastic surgery team. The actor is completely stable now, he is in recovery mood. He will be shifted out of ICU tomorrow morning and discharged in two to three days,” informed team of doctors from Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital.
The fast action of Ibrahim Ali Khan in securing transport for his father’s immediate medical attention has been widely praised. The actor’s wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, was seen near the auto-rickshaw when the family arrived at the hospital, where they were met by concerned family members and staff.
The assailant’s attempts to steal from the actor’s residence led to the violent confrontation. Police sources confirmed that the attacker entered the compound through an adjacent building. CCTV footage from the stairwell of the actor’s residence has helped investigators identify the attacker’s movements leading up to the assault.
The police have launched a full-scale investigation and are looking into the possibility that the attacker may have had some prior knowledge of the layout of the actor’s residence. They are also investigating whether there is any connection to the staff at Saif Ali Khan’s residence.
The attack has sparked widespread concern among fans, the film industry, and celebrities who have expressed their shock and support for Saif Ali Khan and his family. Saif’s wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, has kept a low profile following the incident, while family and close friends have rallied around the actor. The attack also highlights the growing concerns regarding safety and security in high-profile residences in Mumbai.
As the investigation continues, the city remains on edge, and the authorities are expected to increase vigilance to prevent similar incidents in the future. For now, the focus remains on Saif Ali Khan’s recovery, with the Bollywood actor receiving well-wishes from across the nation.
Game Changer, the highly anticipated Telugu directorial debut of Shankar, featuring Ram Charan, Anjali, and Kiara Advani, initially sparked high expectations but saw a quick decline at the box office. According to industry tracker Sacnik, the film’s India net collection has reached Rs 115.59 crore as of Day 7, based on the latest data.