LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Richard Bryan won the first political contest he ever ran, for 8th grade class president at John S. Park Elementary School.
That was his first entry into a political career that would take him from the Nevada Legislature, to the office of the attorney general to the governor’s mansion and finally to the United States Senate.
He recounts that storied career in a new book, “My Life in Nevada Politics,” penned with award-winning Nevada writer and columnist for the Nevada Independent John L. Smith.
Longtime locals will recognize many famous names, the people behind streets, schools and government buildings, and newcomers will learn that many of the things they take for granted started with the ambitious Bryan, who says he set his sights on the governor’s mansion early in his grade-school career.
In an interview, Bryan recalls arriving in Carson City as a Democrat in 1968 to an Assembly newly controlled by Republicans. But the experience was not partisan.
“Part of the general collegiality, I believe, was derived from the building itself,” Bryan says in the book. “It was crowded, and we had no offices to retreat to. Only the leaders of each house had them. Legislators did not have a personal staff. You brought your work with you to your desk on the floor and shared from a pool of secretaries after the morning business was concluded. Everyone had to work around everyone else’s schedule. There was no cafeteria. That meant there was mingling on the floor during breaks.”
That meant getting to know other lawmakers, ones from other parties and from other parts of the state, which led to genuine friendships between lawmakers and cooperation in solving the problems the state faced.
But that collegiality faded over time, in Washington, D.C. and, to a lesser extent, in Carson City. In an interview, Bryan traces the unraveling to the election in 1994 of Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich as Republican speaker of the House of Representatives. Gingrich discouraged Republicans from socializing with Democrats because he considered them rivals and not friends.
“The scholars I’m sure have their view,” Bryan said. “Mine is Newt Gingrich, by the way, a very intelligent and capable guy. But his predecessor … was of the old school, let’s work together. Gingrich believed that what was needed was not some modification but to take the structure down and build it again. And that was very partisan.”
The partisanship is part of the reason that Bryan decided after two terms in the. U.S. Senate not to run for re-election in 2000. His replacement? One of Gingrich’s House revolutionaries from the 1994 election, Republican John Ensign.
During his career, Bryan faced the bitter sectionalism that has plagued Nevada for decades. In college, he was initially rebuffed as his fraternity’s pledge president because he was from Las Vegas. But by making incessant trips to rural Nevada — and participating in traditional rural Nevada events — Bryan won over northern constituents. In his 1986 bid for governor, Bryan won every county in the state, something unprecedented in present-day Nevada politics.
In his time, Bryan also assembled an impressive list of firsts:
Key to getting many of those things done was compromise, which Bryan considers a lost art because he says too many modern politicians think it requires you to surrender your principles.
“I never felt that,” Bryan said. “I guess among my critics I might have been too much of a pragmatist. What does it take to get this done? How can we work this out? Now, I wasn’t always successful. Sometimes, I mean, you had people kind of dug in and boy, there was not ability to do that.”
Bryan traces his path into public service to his father, who also held office.
“I think every citizen has an obligation, as he [Oscar Bryan] said, to pay your civic rent, to be involved. I like public service. Not everybody needs to do that. I think there’s something that’s fundamental. One, set your goal. Set your goal, work to it. … The point there is that everybody’s had a setback in their life, whatever it is, that could be a learning experience. It was for me.”
Bryan acknowledges that it would be difficult to campaign today as he did in the 1970s and 1980s, with the advent of social media, the 24-hour news cycle, the explosion of Nevada’s population and the increased partisanship that shuts out centrist candidates in favor of louder, more strident members of the fringe.
“I must say, it’s such a sad thing because it’s really harder today to get good people to run, Republican, Democrat, independent, whatever, because they’re saying, ‘I just don’t want to go through that.'”
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