By <a class="c-link lrv-a-unstyle-link" href="" > Michael McCann</a> <br>Legal Analyst and Senior Sports Legal Reporter<br> If 2023 was a year of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" >legal chaos</a> for the NCAA, 2024 was a year of legal transformation. <br> Under the leadership of former Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, the NCAA enjoyed more success in court. The collegiate governing body persuaded judges to uphold the separation of NIL from <a href="" id="auto-tag_employment_1" data-tag="employment" >employment</a>, validate <a href="" >prize money rules</a> and endorse the lawfulness of NCAA enforcement measures. <br> But by negotiating a multibillion-dollar settlement that calls for colleges to pay athletes and by—thus far—failing to stop the advancement of efforts to recognize college athletes as employees, the NCAA is gradually morphing into a variation of a major pro sports league. <br> Here are highlights—or lowlights, depending on your perspective—from college sports law in 2024: <div class="admz" id="adm-inline-article-ad-1"> <div class="adma boomerang" data-device="Desktop" data-width="300"> <div style="min-width:300px;min-height:275px;" class="pmc-adm-boomerang-pub-div ad-text" data-priority="10" > <div id="gpt-sprt-dsk-tab-midarticle-uid0" class="adw-300 adh-250" data-is-adhesion-ad=""> <script type="application/javascript">
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