Less than 48 hours before defaulting and triggering a shutdown, Congress is still scrambling to pass a stopgap funding resolution that will keep the U.S. government funded and functional through the next few months. After several starts and stops, Republicans were reduced to infighting on Wednesday after <a href="https://www.rollingstone.com/t/elon-musk/" id="auto-tag_elon-musk" data-tag="elon-musk" >Elon Musk</a> — Trump’s “first buddy” and government “efficiency” adviser — <a href="https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/musk-trump-government-funding-deal-shutdown-1235211000/" >rejected</a> a proposed funding deal and called for a legislative freeze and government shutdown until Trump’s inauguration in late January. <br> As a result, the new stripped-down funding bill proposed on Thursday is literally throwing out the baby with the bathwater: It will exclude $190 million for the “Give Kids a Chance” program for child <a href="https://www.rollingstone.com/t/cancer/" id="auto-tag_cancer" data-tag="cancer" >cancer</a> research. Sam Stein of The Bulwark <a rel="nofollow" href="https://x.com/samstein/status/1869865415389729108" target="_blank" >points out</a> that the new bill also excludes funding for research on premature labor, sickle cell disease treatment, early detection of breast and cervical cancer, the Rural Broadband Protection Act, an anti-deepfake porn bill, and more. <div class="admz" id="adm-inline-article-ad-1"> <div class="adma boomerang" data-device="Desktop" data-width="300"> <div style="min-width:50px;min-height:75px;" class="pmc-adm-boomerang-pub-div ad-text" data-priority="10" > <div id="gpt-dsk-tab-article-inbody-uid0" class="adw-300 adh-250" data-is-adhesion-ad=""> <script type="application/javascript">
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