Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 87F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 62F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: June 19, 2024 @ 9:52 am
The back wall features many sneakers and slides by Yeezy.
Many of these sneakers are from well-known brands and are also priced well for sneaker lovers.
Different clothing racks are available to look at streetwear-style shirts and more.
Every wall in the store is filled with shelves showcasing what styles of sneakers are available.
The back wall features many sneakers and slides by Yeezy.
Many of these sneakers are from well-known brands and are also priced well for sneaker lovers.
Different clothing racks are available to look at streetwear-style shirts and more.
Every wall in the store is filled with shelves showcasing what styles of sneakers are available.
Uptown Kicks, an apparel store in Danville is celebrating its first full year of business this month.
The business was originally started by Nick O’der and Sonny Privette on June 3, 2023. The first location that opened was located in Eden, North Carolina, with a second location opening in January in Danville.
Uptown Kicks offers exclusive sneakers and streetwear. They offer many high-end brands like Yeezy, Nike, ASICS, and more. If you can’t find the sneakers you’re looking for, the team at Uptown Kicks will be more than happy to find where to purchase them for you. There are hundreds of styles, colors, and brands to choose from in-store.
Something that sets Uptown Kicks apart from other apparel stores is that they offer a cleaning service and sell cleaning products to keep up with your sneakers. Customers can bring in their shoes and have them cleaned for $10-$20, sometimes $30 for harder projects. They have partnered with a brand named Crep to be able to provide quality cleaning care.
“The city has shown us a lot of love over this past year especially with us being from out of town.” said manager Evan House.
To celebrate the first anniversary, they are offering 10% off everything in-store, which includes new and used items. The staff team is looking forward to seeing people come in to celebrate their anniversary with them.
Uptown Kicks is located at 365 Lowes Drive in Danville. It is open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 to 7 p.m. Inquiries may be made by phone or e-mail at 276-732-2869 and They are also active on Facebook and Instagram where they post new items available in-store and things to look out for like sales and events.
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